
Peru: Congressman Villanueva denies having received Odebrecht money

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14:15 | Lima, Aug. 9.

Peruvian Congressman Cesar Villanueva on Friday categorically denied having received illegal money from Brazilian company Odebrecht while he had been San Martin Region Governor (2007-2013) and reaffirmed his willingness to collaborate with the investigations to clarify the facts.

According to IDL-Reporteros, Odebrecht made two payments worth US$30,000 each to Villanueva —under the alias "Curriculum Vita"— for the San Jose de Sisa Highway case. 

"I categorically deny having received even one cent from (Jorge) Barata or any other person linked to Odebrecht," the official told reporters at a press conference. 

Likewise, the current lawmaker gave up his parliamentary immunity in order to be investigated as an ordinary citizen.

According to Villanueva, he has informed the prosecutor —in charge of the case of alleged bribes paid by Odebrecht for the rehabilitation and improvement of the San Jose de Sisa Highway— that he will collaborate with all the investigations. 

Furthermore, the ex-Prime Minister indicated the probe is not recent, as it dates back to 2017, adding he has not been involved in it. 

In this sense, the lawmaker informed he will submit all the necessary documentation with the purpose of proving he had worked transparently. 

As is known, Villanueva served as Prime Minister of Peru between April 2, 2018, and March 8, 2019.

"Concerning ex-Prime Minister Villanueva, the news surprises us. However, maintaining coherence with our frontal fight against corruption, and as we have said in other cases, we hope the facts are investigated until the truth is found," President Martin Vizcarra expressed on the matter days ago.


Published: 8/9/2019